Circulair walk Blockley and Batsford

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Circulair walk Blockley and Batsford

For a long time we wanted to go for a circulair walk in the countryside of Batsford arboretum. Because of the weather circumstances we had to postpone the walk for a while. On this sunny day we finally went on this walk with magnificent views. Our walk started in the pretty little village of Blockley at the village shop/cafe. From there we walked towards the church (were Father Browning was filmed) and kept left. After leaving the church yard we went down a little hill that took us into the village. At the main road we turned right and walked into the first turn left with the sign ‘Pasture Farm’. From there we ascended a very steep path that is part of the Donnington Way. At the top of the hill we had a stunning over Blockley village. From there we went via the meadow down the hill and passed Batsford and the arboretum. We continued the path that lead us to the Monarch’s Way signs and turned right at the edge of a pasture with an amazing view over Moreton-on-Marsh. We followed the steep track and crossed a road that lead us to a Meadow with sheep. At the end of the meadow we had another lovely view over Blockley. From there we kept left and walked back via meadows with sheep and cows to the car. The walk is about 2.5 hours and 7.2 kilometers and has very steep climbs, which makes it not suitable for all abilities. If you decide to do this walk, you can park your car in the village of Blockley along the road. At the start in the collage shop/cafe there are toilets and you can buy refreshments. I think is a highly recommendable walk for experienced walkers.

For more information about the walk you can look it up at:…/blockley-




Born in the Netherlands but living on and off in England since 2015 as an expat, I discovered England's beauty in many ways. Every exploration I did, led me to more curiosity about England, its culture, expat life, walks and history. Which eventually led me to more exploration of the country. In the end I had so much photo's, expat, historical and cultural information about this stunning country, that I decided to share this with a broader public. Be welcome and join me on my virtual adventure!

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